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crebachadj shrunk, withered
crebachlydadj crabbed, wrinkled
crebachuvb to shrink, to shrivel, to wrinkle, to pucker
crebwyll (-ion) nm invention, understanding, fancy
crecianvb to cluck; to crackle
crechwennf loud laughter, guffaw
crechwenuvb to laugh loud, to guffaw
cred (-au) nf belief; trust; pledge, troth
credadun (credinwyr) nm believer
credadwyadj credible
crediniaethnf belief
credinioladj believing
credo (-au) nmf creed, belief
creduvb to believe
credwr (-wyr) nm believer
credyd (-on) nm credit
credyduvb to credit
crefadj f ofcryf
crefuvb to crave, to beg, to implore
crefydd (-au) nf religion
crefyddavb to profess or practise religion
crefyddoladj religious, pious
crefyddoldernm religiousness, piety
crefyddwr (-wyr) nm religionist
crefft (-au) nf handicraft, trade; crefftau’r cartref DIY, do-it-yourself
crefftusadj skilled, workmanlike
crefftwaithnm craftwork
crefftwr (-wyr) nm craftsman
cregynnpl (nfcragen) shells
creidernm freshness
creifionnpl scrapings
creigiogadj rocky
creigiwr (-wyr) nm quarryman
creigle (-oedd) nm rocky place
creiniovb to wallow, to lie or fall down; to cringe
creisionnpl flakes, crisps
creithiovb to scar
crempog (-au) nf pancake
crensiovb to grind (the teeth)
crepachadj numb ▶ nf numbness
crestnm crust, scurf
Cretanf Crete
creuvb to create
creulonadj cruel
creulondeb (-derau) nm cruelty
crëwr (crewyr) nm creator
crëyr (crehyrod) nm heron
cri1 (-au) nm cry, clamour
cri2adj new, fresh, raw; unleavened
criafol, criafolennf mountain ash
crib (-au) nfm comb, crest; ridge
cribddeiliovb to grab, to extort
cribddeiliwr (-wyr) nm extortioner; speculator
cribin (-iau) nfm rake; skinflint
cribiniovb to rake
cribovb to comb; to card
cricednm cricket
cricedwr (-wyr) nm cricketer
cricsynnm cricket
crimog (-au) nf shin
crimp (-(i)au) nm shin
crinadj withered, sear, dry
crinovb to wither, to dry up
crintach, crintachlydadj niggardly, stingy
crintachrwyddnm niggardliness
crintachuvb to scrimp, to skimp, to stint
criovb to cry, to weep
cripiovb to scratch; to climb, to creep
cris-groesnf criss-cross
crisial (-au) nm, adj crystal
crisialuvb to crystallise
Cristnm Christ
Cristion (-ogion), Cristnogionnm Christian
Cristionogaethnf Christianity
Cristionogoladj Christian
Cristnogaethnf Christianity
Cristnogoladj Christian
criw (-iau) nm crew
crïwr (-wyr) nm crier
Croatianf Croatia
crocbont (-ydd) nf suspension bridge
crocbren (-ni) nmf gallows, gibbet
crocbris (-iau) nm exorbitant price
crochadj loud, vehement
crochan (-au) nm pot, cauldron
crochanaid (-eidiau) nm potful
crochenwaith (-weithiau) nm pottery
crochenydd (-ion) nm potter
croen (crwyn) nm skin; hide; peel, rind
croendenauadj thin-skinned
croeni, croeniovb to form skin, to skin over
croes1 (-au) nf cross ▶ nm transept
croes2 (-ion) adj cross, contrary
croesair (-eiriau) nm crossword
croesawgaradj hospitable
croesawiadnm welcome, reception
croesawuvb to welcome
croesawusadj hospitable
croesbren (-nau) nmf cross
croes-ddweudvb to contradict