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What If I'm Pregnant...?
What If I'm Pregnant...?
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What If I'm Pregnant...?

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Gina hesitated, her gaze going to Colette, who carefully kept her features schooled in total neutrality. Gina looked back at her brother. “Okay, I’ll have dinner with you, but only if Colette comes with us.”

Colette gasped in surprise. “Oh, I don’t think—”

“Fine,” Tanner replied, overriding the objection Colette was about to make. He moved away from the window and walked back to the front door.

“I saw what looked like a nice barbecue place on the next block while I was walking here. Why don’t we meet there in half an hour or so. That will give you ladies time to freshen up or whatever.”

Although Colette wanted to vehemently protest any arrangement that included her, before she had an opportunity Tanner was gone, leaving only a trace of his masculine cologne lingering in the air.

“Gina, I really think you and your brother should talk to each other without me,” Colette said. “I’ll just make myself a salad here. You meet him.”

“Colette, please come with me,” Gina replied, her big blue eyes begging with appeal.

“You’re of legal age, Gina. He can’t drag you back with him kicking and screaming,” Colette protested. “You don’t need me there.”

“If you don’t go, then I won’t go, and then he’ll just come back here. Please.”

Colette looked at her young roommate and was unable to tell her no. She knew what it was like to have a dream and be surrounded by people who didn’t think you were capable of achieving anything.

“All right, dinner tonight,” she relented. “But then you’re on your own where your brother is concerned.”

“Thank you,” Gina said with obvious relief.

“I’m going to change my clothes,” Colette said, wanting to get into something a little more casual than the power suit she’d worn to work.

As she went into her bedroom, she vowed to herself that she would eat dinner and keep her mouth shut. There was no way she intended to get into a battle between the handsome cowboy and his baby sister.

Tanner sat in the restaurant waiting for his sister and her roommate to arrive. He was irritated that Gina had invited Colette Carson to join them. From all the information he’d gathered about the pretty blonde, he had a feeling she was exactly the wrong kind of influence for his sweet, innocent sister.

Still, he’d been shocked by the instantaneous attraction he’d felt when Colette had opened her door to him and he’d had his first glimpse of her.

Her blond hair had been a short, curly halo, a perfect foil for her delicate features and whiskey-colored eyes. Clad in a two-piece navy suit, she’d looked like the cool, driven professional his sources had told him she was.

He’d wanted to get Gina alone, knew that if he had some time with her he’d be able to convince her that what she’d done by leaving school and moving to Kansas City was not in her best interest. But now it seemed he wouldn’t have time with Gina alone…at least not tonight.

“Would you like a drink while you wait for your party?” The waitress gave him a flirtatious smile.

Tanner would have loved a Scotch on the rocks, but knew he needed to be clearheaded for the confrontation to come. “A glass of iced tea will be just fine,” he said.

As the waitress left his table, he once again thought of his sister. He didn’t understand Gina at all, suspected that this impromptu move to the city was a belated surge of rebellion.

He’d given her three weeks to come to her senses, but that hadn’t happened. Now he needed to deal with the situation quickly and efficiently. And that’s exactly what he intended to do.

He rose as he saw the object of his thoughts and her roommate entering the restaurant. He motioned them over to the secluded table, noting that Colette had changed from her business suit into a pair of slim-legged dark brown slacks and a dark-brown-and-beige tunic top. She looked casual, yet coolly elegant.

A warning buzzer went off in his head as he realized his sister was wearing a very similar outfit. “Good evening.” He greeted them with a smile.

Colette returned his smile. Gina didn’t. She pulled out the chair opposite Tanner, leaving Colette to sit at his side. As Colette slid into a chair at his left, Tanner caught a whiff of her scent, a rich floral fragrance that instantly reminded him of the best of spring on his ranch.

“I hope you like barbecue,” he said to Colette. “I know it’s one of Gina’s favorites.”

“Not anymore,” Gina replied petulantly.

Gina’s childish behavior only confirmed Tanner’s belief that she wasn’t ready for the giant leap she’d made from the ranch to independence and city life.

“Barbecue is fine,” Colette said smoothly and picked up the menu from in front of her. Gina did the same, holding the menu up high so Tanner couldn’t see her face.

Tanner smiled inwardly. He knew his sister very well. She was angry and defensive, and that usually meant she knew she was wrong. It shouldn’t be a problem convincing her to return to the ranch with him.

At that moment the waitress appeared at their table and took their orders. Once she departed, Tanner eyed his sister once again. “Bugsy had puppies a week ago,” he said, then turned to Colette. “Bugsy is Gina’s golden retriever.”

For a moment Gina’s petulance fell away and her eyes sparkled as she leaned forward. “Oh, how many?”

“Four, two males and two females,” he replied.

“And Bugsy is okay?”

“Came through like the champ she is.” He paused a beat. “She misses you.”

“Don’t even go there,” Gina replied and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms in a gesture of defensiveness.

“Gina, I was just stating a fact. I wasn’t trying to manipulate your emotions,” he replied.

He suddenly realized he was going to have to be a lot more subtle than he’d thought. Perhaps what he needed was the aid of somebody else in this…and that somebody else was sitting at his left. Gina might not listen to him, but he had a feeling she would listen to the lovely Colette.

He turned and looked at her, wondering if he could charm her to his side of this issue. She was obviously uncomfortable and would have preferred not being here. Her fingers toyed with the cloth napkin in her lap and she appeared to find a nearby potted plant utterly fascinating.

“Miss Carson, I understand you own a store that sells baby things,” he said.

She smiled and he couldn’t help but notice that she had pretty cupid lips, lips that appeared just perfect for kissing. “Yes, the Little Bit Baby Boutique. I officially opened the doors two years ago.”

Their conversation halted as the waitress appeared with their food. She served them, chatting about the weather and how busy the restaurant had been since the coming of spring, then departed.

“I would assume owning your own business requires a lot of time and energy,” Tanner said as he cut into his thick T-bone steak.

“It does,” Colette agreed. “Which is why I was so pleased to hire Gina. She’s been a real godsend and is a wonderful salesclerk.” She smiled in obvious affection at Gina, who smiled back with the shine of hero worship in her eyes.

“Gina’s very bright,” Tanner replied. Far too bright to work for minimum wage as a clerk in a baby store, he thought.

His biggest fear was that not only would Gina not live up to her intellectual potential, but that a smooth-talking city slicker would take advantage of her, break her heart and leave her not only working in a store for babies, but shopping there, as well. Then she would never fulfill the future Tanner had envisioned for her. All his hard work on her behalf would be for naught.

“Gina tells me you run a big ranch in Kansas, so you must know about long hours and expended energy,” Colette said.

Tanner nodded. “Yes, it definitely requires hard work and long hours…especially this time of year.”

“Then I’m sure you’re eager to get back,” Gina quipped.

Tanner laughed at her lack of subtlety. “You know me, Gina. Family has always been more important than anything else in the world.” Again he turned to Colette. “You have family, Miss Carson?”

“Please, call me Colette,” she replied. “And my family consists of just my mother and me.”

“She lives here in town?”

“Yes, but unfortunately we aren’t very close.” She turned her attention to Gina. “The salad is wonderful, isn’t it.”

Tanner frowned and cut off another bite of his steak. She wasn’t close to her mother. As far as Tanner was concerned, that was just another reason to get Gina away from her influence.

Tanner knew the importance of family. Colette Carson had no idea how lucky she was to have a mother. But Tanner knew all about being without a mother and a father and the importance of hanging on to the family left behind. And his family was Gina.

“So, what kind of a ranch do you have, Mr. Rothman?” Colette asked.

He grinned. “Make it Tanner, and we raise cattle. I’ve got a large herd of Charolais and a large herd of Hereford cows.”

“Oh, is one for milk and one for meat?” she asked.

Both Tanner and Gina laughed. “They’re both meat cows,” Gina replied.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” Tanner said to Colette, whose cheeks had turned a charming pink. “I wouldn’t know a bunting from a bonnet when it comes to babies.”

She laughed, the sound musical and sweet. “I’m afraid I don’t know much about cows.”

“Tanner also breeds horses,” Gina explained. “Two Hearts has been responsible for several championship quarter horses.”

“Two Hearts…that’s the name of your ranch?” Colette asked.

“Yeah. Gina named the place,” Tanner explained, remembering the day the ranch had been named. It had been two days after their parents’ funerals as they had stood on the front porch and gazed out across the expanse of pasture and fields that surrounded the ranch house.

“Tanner didn’t like it,” Gina replied. “He thought it sounded too feminine.” She gazed at Tanner and smiled. “But he said if Two Hearts is what I wanted, then that’s what it would be.”

“I always did spoil you,” Tanner exclaimed.

They finished the meal talking about less personal things—the beautiful spring weather, the latest movies they’d seen and the most recent political scandal.

Tanner found his gaze drawn again and again to Colette, slightly irritated by the fact that he found her so attractive.

When she smiled a dimple danced in one of her cheeks, and when she grew thoughtful she pursed her lips in what appeared to be a direct invitation to explore their creamy texture.

She seemed to be as bright as she was pretty and their conversation was lively and surprisingly stimulating. But he wasn’t here to enjoy the company of Gina’s roommate and boss. He reminded himself of this as the meal came to an end and they each ordered a cup of coffee.

Tanner wrapped his hands around the thick mug of coffee and decided it was time to renew his campaign to get Gina back on the ranch where she belonged.

“Gina. I’m worried about you,” he said, deciding that authoritative demands wouldn’t work. He needed to appeal to her on another level.

“There’s nothing to worry about,” she protested. “I’m doing just fine.”

“You don’t understand the dangers of city life,” he continued. “You’ve been sheltered all your life. You aren’t ready for this, Gina.” He reached across the table and took one of her hands in his. “You know I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t worried sick about you.”

Gina pulled her hand away, a pained expression on her pretty features. She looked at Colette, as if seeking some sort of support.

“She seems to be handling her new independence quite well,” Colette said. “I was on my own at her age and I’ve managed to do pretty well for myself.”

Tanner forced a smile, hoping it hid his irritation. “But Gina isn’t you. Besides, I couldn’t help but notice that your apartment isn’t in the best area of town and there is no security to speak of.”

Although Tanner hoped he’d managed to hide his own irritation, he saw the spark of the same emotion that lit Colette’s eyes. “This area is in the process of rejuvenation. It was a good business decision on my part to put my shop here and live in the same area.”

“That’s fine for you, but it isn’t fine for Gina,” he replied. “She simply isn’t ready for this jump into city life and being on her own. She’s too young, and ill equipped to handle life on her own.”

“If you’re so concerned about Gina’s life here, why don’t you stick around for a few days, watch her working, see how well she’s handling things?” Colette suggested.

Gina looked horrified at the very idea. Tanner frowned. Hanging out for a few days in Kansas City was not in his plans, but then he hadn’t expected Gina to have such a strong support system in her roommate.

“That’s a great idea,” he replied, hoping neither of the women saw the intense frustration building inside him. This wasn’t working out as he’d planned and Tanner didn’t like being thwarted.

“Tanner, I know how busy the spring season is at the ranch,” Gina exclaimed, horror still radiating from her eyes. “I’m sure you can’t spare any time to just hang out here with me and Colette.”

“On the contrary, Gina, I’ve always told you where my priorities lie, and family has always been my number one priority,” he replied. He paused a moment and took a sip of his coffee, then continued. “Besides, I’ve got good men working for me back at the ranch. They’ll keep things running smoothly while I’m gone. I’ve already checked into the hotel down the street, and maybe spending a couple of days hanging out will reassure me.”

He forced a smile. He had no intention of being reassured. He did not intend to leave Kansas City without Gina in tow. Legally he had no leverage. She was of age and could refuse to return to the ranch where she belonged.

But Tanner knew there was more than one way to skin a cat, and he knew the best way to get Gina back where she belonged was to gain Colette’s support.

He gazed at the lovely blonde, a rush of adrenaline sweeping through him as he realized that was one cat he wouldn’t mind skinning at all.

Chapter Two

“I can’t believe you did that,” Gina exclaimed the moment the two women were once again alone in the apartment.

“Did what?” Colette asked as she kicked off her shoes and flopped down on the sofa.

“Suggested that Tanner stick around for a few days.” She paced back and forth in front of Colette, her slender body stiff with tension. “That just gives him more opportunity to manipulate me into doing what he wants, not what I want.” Gina sat in the chair opposite the sofa.

“Gina, I think he’s just worried about you, and after a day or two of seeing you here, I’m sure he’ll realize you’re doing just fine.”

Gina leaned forward. “You don’t know him, Colette. He’s relentless. Don’t be fooled by his charm, don’t be fooled by him. He’s so cursedly stubborn, he doesn’t even have a girlfriend.”

Colette held up her hands in a gesture of helplessness. “Gina, this is between you and your brother. He doesn’t have to try to charm me. It’s you he wants to take back to the family ranch.”

“He wants me to go to school and get a job teaching in the local grade school and eventually marry Walt Tibberman.”

“Who is Walt Tibberman?” Colette asked curiously.

Gina stopped her pacing and sat in the chair opposite Colette. “Walt works on the ranch for Tanner. He’s a nice guy and a hard worker and I know he has a thing for me, but I don’t feel any sparks with him. There’s no magic between us.”

Colette bit her tongue. She didn’t believe in that kind of magic. As far as she was concerned, love was a nice illusion used to sell greeting cards and flowers, a nice word to justify lust and passion. As far as Colette was concerned, love was for needy, clingy women who were afraid to live their lives alone.

She stood and smiled at her young roommate. “Gina, if this is what you want, to stay and build a life here, then stand strong against your brother. And with that bit of advice, I’m going to bed.”

A few minutes later as Colette changed out of her clothes and into the short cotton nightshirt she always wore to bed, she couldn’t help but think about Tanner Rothman.